Friday, April 12, 2013


Today is supposed to be "get on a plane" day.  Not looking so good.  Today is supposed to be the official start of my Sweetie and I's escape to the East coast. Today is supposed to be one of those "WooHoo!" days.  

Right now, today is just today.  

Life is just like that on some days.  Events you plan for, experiences you hope for, the "some day..." you dream of don't necessarily happen as you imagined they would.  Life often gives you adventures you didn't want, and most certainly haven't been dreaming, adventures like trips to emergency rooms, and overnights in the hospital.  Often we end up waiting, with more waiting, for the best part of our life to begin.  

Right now, today is just today.  

This morning I sat in my usual chair, the sun just peeping over the house across the street, and spent some time with Jesus.  I read Titus 1.  It's not a chapter brimming with "hold on" verses, and pump up the hope verbiage.  It begins with this, verses 1-3a, "Paul, a servant of God and apostle of Jesus Christ for the faith of God's elect and the knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness -- a faith and knowledge resting on the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time, and at his appointed season he brought his word to light..."  God's sweet Holy Spirit loved on me with those verses.  I have the privilege of knowing truth, that truth leads me to godliness.  I am blessed with the hope of eternal life.  My God does not lie. That's some amazingly powerful stuff! 

Truth be told, whereas I was humbled by those words, the phrase that grabbed my heart was "and at his appointed season..."   Nothing going on today surprises God.  There is no flight delay, no plan on hold, no physical pain that caught God off guard.  He is Sovereign, and His will and purposes will be done.
At his appointed season.  
There is peace in that assurance.  I even find hope, comforting love, and a precious warm hug.  

Oh that I may see what He sees in this day, in this detour of the journey.  May I be considered faithful to the charge Paul gives Titus later in the chapter to "be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined." May I "hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that  [I] can encourage others by sound doctrine."

God is good.  Today.  All of today, God is good.
Today is the day given by Almighty God.  May I rejoice and be glad in it.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

It's just Obvious

It's trash day.  If you were to look around my neighborhood, it's pretty obvious. When the truck comes down our street, it's pretty obvious.  Trash trucks are noisy; they are not sneaky in any way.  I know he's there even if he comes super early and I'm still in bed!  I walked by our upstairs bathroom this morning and noticed a variety of clothing hanging on the towel rack and the shower curtain bar.  The thought, "It's obvious somebody did laundry last night," quickly darted through my mind.  One of the sweaters drying in said bathroom is obviously mine.  I have a distinct "look," and there are just certain pieces of clothing that scream my name.  Do you sense a theme going on?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Hangover

I believe I need to be honest.  I need to just put it out there and admit to my situation.  I have an Easter hangover.  I said it.  I confessed.  It's true you know, I have an Easter hangover.  When the sun rose this morning, I thought I should be singing . . . with a small group . . . outside. The sunrise was bright, radiant, transforming, not it's usual glowing picturesque orb-like rising.  It was glorious!

There are more evidences of my condition.