Friday, August 17, 2012

Oh Ladies!  Check this out!  It's soooo true:  One outfit can have different looks by just changing the accessories!

I was reading in Acts 9 today, all about Saul and his transformation.  You know what stood out to me?  The phrase  "But his followers..." Saul gets converted, talks up a storm and Lo & Behold!  he gets followers.  He hasn't been the most popular guy around.  Yet, he's got him some followers. I never really thought about that before, and then it hit me:  I've got followers.

I'm not sure how I really feel about having followers.  A part of me (that vain part) says, "oooh!  Look at me!  I've got followers!"  Another part of me (the scared-y cat part) thinks, "you've got to be kidding?  Don't they have some one better?  Have they really been watching me?"  Another part of me (the responsible part -- I bet you're surprised by that!) does some self-talking and reprimanding, "you better get with it!  If you have followers, you better not be making any mistakes!  Get with it girl!"

You've got followers, it seems we all do.  The point of the matter, that Jesus keeps bringing to my mind, is why are others following me?  I'm thinking I have followers for a variety of reasons.  1.  I am the Jewelry Lady.  I have people "follow me," because I'm giving them ideas of how to look their best, and they like how I wear my jewels.  I'm okay with that.   2. I am Little Miss Personality.  I'm not saying that to brag on myself, but I know that others like to hang with me because I'm fun.  I'm a "let's make this moment RocK!" type of girl.  3. I make some Mean Joe.  Some like to follow me straight into my kitchen and let me pour them another cup.  I've got some on now, you can come on over....  4.  I love Jesus.  I really hope there are those who follow me for this reason.  I lead small groups and such, so I know there is some leader/follower going on there.  I long for this be my biggest following.

Again, God is impressing upon my heart a passion to help others see His Face, His Glory, His Hope.  So I have to ask myself, over and over, "Am I setting an example in what I say and how I live, moment by moment,  that would truly lead others and help them follow who I am following?"  All to the Praise of His Glory.  

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

"But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy.  Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.  For surely, O LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield."  Psalm 5:11,12

Today I'm taking refuge in my King.  I'm happy to be held in His embrace, lavished with His love, overwhelmed by His grace.  Truly my heart sings, and oh how I rejoice!  I could make a grateful list today of the marvelous ways Jesus enriches my life:  from fresh Colombian coffee, to brilliant sunshine, to encouragement from His Word, to sweet good-bye kisses from my husband....and that's just in the last hour!
Today I'm praying that I recognize His blessings in my life, that I grasp the favor He wraps me in.  I don't want to miss any of the gifts He pours out on me.  I may need to put on my" Jesus glasses", so that I can clearly see the ways He is blessing me.  His grace gifts often come wrapped in packages I don't expect, nor can I always understand at first.  I'm thankful that He is faithful to enable me to understand, that I may continue to rejoice in Him.

Today I marvel at my King.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Hello! .... and welcome!

This is a new journey for me.  I've toyed with the idea off and on for some time, and basically haven't generated the courage to put myself on "paper."  Truth?  God wouldn't let me say "no."  So I'm entering a new world!
Thanks for joining me on this journey.  I hope what you experience here inspires you, challenges you, and leads you to a greater understanding of your true Royalty within.

I've recently begun reading the book of Acts in the Bible.  In the very first chapter of Acts Jesus tells the disciples not to leave Jerusalem but to wait for the gift God had promised them, the gift of the Holy Spirit.  They ask Him "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?"  I was struck with the idea that in spite of all that had happened, all they had seen and experienced, they still struggled with their preconceived picture of God's reign.  These men had seen miracles, and had Jesus speak truth, encouragement, grace, and love directly into their lives, yet they still didn't always understand.  They still wanted the privilege of an earthly kingdom, where the guy they knew was the guy in charge.
I had to admit to myself that I'm not much different.  I get an idea of how my life and my days will go.  I find myself trying to manipulate God's Word at times to fit what I imagine, or I interpret scripture in light of  that imagined picture of life.  
A good example of this in my life is writing.  I've wanted to write since I was in Junior High and filled notebooks with stories and poems.  In my imaginary world, blocks of time will magically appear along with words that are bursting to come forth.  Ideas will flow and nothing will interrupt my thought process nor my filling the page with words.  hmmm..... that has NEVER happened!  

So what do I learn?  I learn that I need to listen to what Jesus speaks to my heart.  I need to be willing to follow His timing, and the way that He wants to do things.  God has given me His gift of the Holy Spirit, and He has a plan for my life.  In fact His plan is so awesome He desires to impact every day that I live.  How cool is that?  He is teaching me to ask "What do you want me to do now?"  I ask it every morning.   I ask it throughout the day.  I ask it when I finish a task, or when I'm beginning a task and it seems overwhelming.  I ask it when I'm interrupted.  I'm learning to ask when I have an unexpected free moment.  He's making a difference in my every day life.  He's letting me see His picture of what my life can look like.