Tuesday, October 2, 2018


I am currently reading a  book called "Encountering the Goodness of God" by Bill Johnson.  I'm using it as a catalyst for my morning prayer time.  The author has presented some ideas that left me a bit confused, and he has presented ideas that have made me think, "hmmm…  that's a different way of looking at things.  I've never thought of that scripture in that particular light before!"  Recently, I read, "Dominion empowers.  And because man was given the keys of dominion over the planet, the devil would have to get his authority from man.  The suggestion  to eat the forbidden fruit was simply the devil's effort to get Adam and Eve to agree with him in opposition to God, thus empowering him.  To this day it is through agreement that the devil is able to kill, steal, and destroy.  He is still empowered through man's agreement."
The last sentence grabs me every time I read it.  I empower the devil every time I agree with him.  Normally my immediate response would be "well, whatever!  I don't agree with the devil! That's just plain silly."  I've been learning lately that I struggle with doubt, and it clicked this morning that when I allow doubts to play out in my mind, when I am not trusting who God is and what He promises, I am agreeing with the devil that God isn't enough.  I am empowering Satan to have control over my thoughts and emotions.  Whoa.
Doubt is tricky.  It's so easy to rationalize my lack of faith by saying "I’m working on allowing God to choose what is best," instead of admitting I'm struggling to believe that God loves me enough to provide for my deepest hopes and dreams. When I don't honestly admit to my true struggle, I'm empowering Satan to lead me down a path where I begin to say things like: I'm not good enough; God can't use me; I don't make a difference; I'm just _____ (fill in the blank).  I empower Satan to fill my mind with comparisons to others and then see myself as lacking, less than someone else.  I empower Satan to freeze me in my faith walk and then I become ineffective, not because God isn't big enough to use me, but because I've given the power over my life to the devil. And then, I find myself in opposition to God Himself. 
This has absolutely incited my prayer life to be more open and honest with God about where I am struggling so that He can give me wisdom and strength where I need it most.  God hasn't gotten upset with me because I'm pouring out my questions and confusion, He's empowering me with peace, restful faith and fresh hope.  I can't say I have immediate answers with a five step plan to all of my questions and wondering. God has reassured me that He goes before me, He will give me direction for my next step, He loves me and delights in me.  He has reminded me that He fills any gap where I may be lacking, and that His purposes will prevail, for the entire earth and for me. 
Step back Satan: there's no empowerment to be found here.  I'm agreeing with the Creator of the Universe, all He says, all He promises.  I'm in for the Win, ALL IN, Jesus Christ has dominion over me. I can say with confidence: God is completely, absolutely, purely, entirely, infinitely, flat out, no ifs, ands or buts GOOD.  He is worthy of all honor, glory and power.  Hallelujah!

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