My husband recently
came across a sweet deal on some furniture for our deck. It was one of those cool grouping of pieces
that you could configure how you wanted for plenty of comfortable seating. The price was ideal… and we chose to
pass. Currently I'm not working, so no
extra income is flowing in. We had the
money in our account, money set aside for "whatever." It has been sitting there for some time. As we discussed, we realized our son is
supposed to return to the states from deployment sometime toward the end of the
year. Both of us would love to be there
to hug him tight. My husband graduates
next spring with his doctorate. We want our kids to be there, and for us to take a vacation near where he's been
going to school since it's on the other side of the United States. Both of those future plans are like flashing
neon signs screaming, "Save! Save! Save!" We made a financially practical
decision. I was grateful when I recently
checked our local Craigslist that the furniture was no longer listed.
There's a story in
the Bible where a lady makes a financially extravagant decision. In Mark 14 is the story where a woman pours
very (we're taking Very VERY) expensive perfume over Jesus' head. The scripture says the perfume was worth a
year's wages! I can't even imagine owning something, besides my house, that is
worth a year's wages, that I would just have lying around. The spectators to this astounding event were
critical of the woman and the expense that they perceived she had wasted. They made comments suggesting a more
practical use of the "money" she was giving away. Jesus disagreed with them. Jesus said, "She has done all that she
could to honor me. I promise you that as
this wonderful gospel spreads all over the world, the story of her lavish
devotion to me will be mentioned in
memory of her." (Mark 14:8,9 The Passion Translation)
When I read the story this morning as Jesus and I had morning coffee together, the Holy Spirit
reminded me of truths He had taught me before.
Evidently I was in need of a refresher course. God's Spirit reminded me of 4 truths. The first truth: Don't let others' criticism
stop me (or make me feel bad) for doing what I believe God has called me to do. The woman could've easily been intimidated by
the men gathered around the table. She
could've easily burst into tears and run from the room when they criticized her
behavior. I wonder if she even really
heard them. I wonder if she was so
enthralled with Jesus that nothing else was even on her radar. Sometimes I let others influence me, causing
me to question what I was so excited to do just moments before they raised
questions or doubts. God reminded my
heart that I need to see Him and Him alone; I need to focus on honoring
Him. Considering others' concerns is not
a bad thing… when I am focused on the One I am worshiping and only following
the leading of His Spirit.
The second truth God
reminded me: Honoring Jesus is always worth the cost. My current non-employment status has opened
the door for other opportunities. I blog
more. We've opened our home for someone
in need of temporary housing. I am able
to participate in some counseling sessions with my husband, so that we can
minister together. I'm hosting a book
discussion in my home every week. My
husband's schedule has been hectic and I've been able to pick up some of the
chores around home that he has normally done. I have had time to create a bio so that my name will be considered for speaking engagements. I wasn't able to purchase new-to-me furniture
for my deck, and I'm more available to entertain people on my deck, living life
with them, building the body of
Christ. I'm not offering Jesus an item
worth a year's wages; I am choosing to do without some extras so I can be of
service to what He wants.
The third truth in
my refresher course: Grab a hold of the opportunities in front of me. Live life in this
moment, on this day. A couple
of years ago God really impressed this truth to me. For some time I would look at the activities
of my day and identify possible opportunities that I might encounter. On days I went to the grocery store, I made
note to be conscious of the person who scanned my purchases. I wanted to be purposeful in engaging with him, seeking to
validate him as a person, and be distinctly grateful for his service to
me. On days that I met someone for
coffee, I made note that I needed to be prayerfully prepared; I made note to be
aware of someone I might meet at our local coffee hangout that I hadn't planned
on meeting. On days that I had chores to
do around the house, I made note that my heart be available to set my to-do
list aside if someone needed me to be Jesus with skin on. On days that I worked, I noted that I needed
to view each customer as beautiful and valuable, and I thought through ways I
could let her know that very significant truth. I have gotten out of the habit of making
notations of the possible opportunities
that could cross my path on any given day.
God reminded my heart this morning that each moment holds possibilities;
each day is filled with opportunities to serve Him, honor Him, and worship
God's final reminder was the phrase
"She has done what she could."
Christ gently pointed out to me the truth that I am not called to be
anyone but who He designed me to be. I
may not do what others do, and others may not do what I do. I am called to serve Jesus and honor Him in
the ways He directs my heart. Today, God
directed me to prepare my home for my discussion group tonight. He distinctly told me to write about the
truth in today's refresher course.
There's no doubt in my heart and mind that He is directing me even now
as I type. He gave me names of friends
who need a bit of encouragement. I will
make some homemade cards and get those in the mail later today. My activities of the day aren't
earth-shattering; they are distinctly within my wheelhouse. I'm called to do
what I can do and be grateful for the opportunity to honor my Lord.
There is a Dallas
Willard quote I've written on a
chalkboard in my office. "This is an occasion when God is present. This is
a time to pray, to praise." Every
moment. This moment, right now. The next, and the next, and the next. I'm thankful for this morning's refresher
course. I don't want to miss any
opportunity of being with Jesus, of knowing Him better, serving Him willingly,
expressing His love and grace to someone, honoring Him with what I have to
offer. I want my devotion to be
described as lavish by the One who loves me best. All to the glory of God, my