There have been
various times in my life when people have given me a little nudge to try
something or do something. Those little nudges have led to the discovery of new
things to enjoy. In High School a friend
wanted to try out for a play, and she nudged me to do it with her. It opened a
door for one of the major activities of my High School life! Several years ago, a friend nudged me to
start my own business, and with much
fear I allowed myself to be pushed.
Eight years of running my business taught me so much, broadened my skill
set and renewed a confidence in my abilities to persevere. I've been nudged to taste new veggies (hello delicious jicama!), attempt a new
sport (golf anyone? Or Barre?), and try new fashions (okay, that doesn't take
much of a nudge…). I've been nudged to
go for evening walks, read a book, try a recipe, spend an afternoon exploring,
attempt the l-o-n-g-e-r hike, play a new game, and the list goes on. Each of us have people in our lives who nudge
us now and then to step out of where we are and step into something fresh.
Do you remember the
Bible story of Mary and Martha? They
were throwing a dinner party and Jesus was coming. Martha was putting all the plans together and
Mary was her assistant. Jesus arrives in
the midst of the preparations, and Mary takes the opportunity to sit at his
feet and listen to the conversation that takes place around her. She is soaking in every ounce of Jesus that
she can. When Martha picks up on the
fact that Mary is no longer helping, she falls apart a bit and complains to
Jesus and asks him to basically tell Mary to get her little behind in gear and
help with the preparations! Jesus softly
corrects Martha with the statement that Mary has chosen what is best, and He's
not going to take it away from her.
Fast forward a
bit. Mary and Martha's brother Lazarus
has gotten really sick and they send for Jesus to come heal him. When you are good friends with the Messiah,
there are times you just have to pull the Friend Card. Jesus comes, but he purposefully delays
because he has plans to reveal the glory
of God. When he reaches the outskirts of
town, it's Martha who is leaving all the responsibilities at home to come talk
with Jesus. Martha learned to depend
on Christ, to come to Him for her needs, her strength, her comfort. Mary is back at home with the mourners,
caught in a cycle of grief that seems to be overpowering her. After Martha talks with Jesus she goes back
home. John 11:28 says, "Then she
returned to Mary. She called Mary aside
from the mourners and told her, 'The Teacher is here and wants to see you.'
" Mary needed a little nudge. Mary
needed to be prompted to see beyond what was right in front of her, to believe
in what she didn't yet fully know.
I've been like
Mary. I've been so distracted by the
circumstances of life that I haven't run immediately to Jesus. I needed someone to nudge me. I've experienced moments when I've grieved
over what is not to be, and I became overwhelmed by my loss. I needed someone to nudge me. I've watched hopes and dreams fall by the
wayside and I've drawn into myself out of disappointment and deep
discouragement. I needed someone to nudge me. I've faced situations that are beyond my
ability to comprehend and I've become frozen by fear and uncertainty. I needed
someone to nudge me.
As I caught a
glimpse of that precious moment in John 11:28, I was reminded of the truth that
we are the body of Christ. We are called
to work in unity, together, filling in the gaps for one another. Ephesians 4:15,16 says, "… we will speak
the truth in love, growing in every way
more and more like Christ, who is the head of the body, the church. He makes the whole body fit together
perfectly. As each part does its own
special work, it helps the other parts grow, so
that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love."
(NLT) Sometimes my "special
work" may be to nudge someone to go to Jesus. Sometimes, I need someone to nudge me so that
I can be "healthy and growing and full of love."
Jesus didn't come so
that we would be saved and then journey life alone. He came so that we could have relationship
with Him. Do you need to be nudged to
sit awhile with Jesus? He's waiting.
He's able to handle whatever you are dealing with. He's prepared to bring about new life. Go ahead… let me nudge you a bit… go to
Perhaps you hear
Jesus whispering a name to you of someone you love. Perhaps she needs a nudge. Maybe God is
calling you to love another member of His body enough to help him grow, and he
needs to be told that the Teacher is near and wants to speak with him. Go ahead… let me nudge you a bit… step out
in obedience.
Sometimes, we all
need a nudge.
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