This is the yoga "tree pose." I'm not sure why it's called a tree. I would think a tree pose would have both feet firmly rooted to the qround. In reality, this pose looks like it should be called the flamingo pose. Trees are supposed to be strong and stable; when I attempt this pose I am definitely not feeling strong or stable. I realize the point of practicing this exercise is to generate strength and stability as one works on maintaining balance. I also realize that as one gets older, balance becomes a trickier thing - I write from experience. I don't do yoga on a regular basis, but I have attempted it often enough that I am familiar with the tree pose. Still, it is a little odd that it popped into my mind this morning as I read God's Word. God provided the perfect image for me to grasp the truth He wanted to remind my spirit .
I was reading in Acts 2 where Peter quotes Psalm 16:8-11.
"I saw the Lord always before me, for he is at my right hand that I may not be shaken; therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced; my flesh also will dwell in hope. For you will not abandon my soul to Hades, or let your Holy One see corruption. You have made known to me the paths of life; you will make me full of gladness with your presence."
When I read the part about God being at my right hand so that I may not be shaken I thought of the tree pose! Often when I am exercising and trying to balance I have to touch something close to me so I don't fall over. Not falling over while engaging in physical activity is a good thing. Not falling when living out the truth I learn from God's Word is a good thing as well. Jesus steadies me when I am working out His commands to me. When I am exercising my spiritual muscles, choosing to be obedient, striving to live Christlike and I am struggling to maintain the right posture, Jesus is right beside me. He is there to stabilize me, help me focus on the goal and strengthen the areas where I am weak. He enables me to do the "tree pose," because I often can't do it on my own. And then God blesses with bonuses : He makes my heart glad, He reveals reasons to praise Him and He provides hope when there doesn't seem to be any.
My heart is experiencing the peace of God's presence today as I focus on the image the Holy Spirit gave me. Regardless of any questions, concerns or struggles I have, I know I can hold any pose Christ asks of me because He is the One beside me, holding me steady. Jesus and I, we're rocking the tree pose.
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