I am a child of the King of Kings, Jesus Christ. My heart's desire is be recognizable as His child by how I live my daily life. I'm a Princess, I'm Royalty. I often repeat the lessons I think I've learned and am so thankful that God is faithful. He is so gentle in how He teaches me. Someday I will truly wear a crown. In the meantime, I'm Learning to be Royalty, ' . . . to the praise of His glory!' (Ephesians 1:14)
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Doing the Tree Pose
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Jesus in the Middle
I am currently working a contest in my home-based jewelry business with Premier Designs Jewelry. I am on the final stretch of a 6-month challenge and I am working to achieve half of the new jewelry line (that comes out in July) for free! I hit a point the other night when I was discouraged and the devil began to feed my fear that it just wasn't going to happen.
I need to let you know that I have accomplished 5 months of the challenge only by the grace of God - truly. When I began the month of June, and was "all-a-twitter" with fear, anticipation, hope and worry, God reminded me to just be obedient. God reminds me that often, especially since obedience is my word of the year. So I have prayed and consciously, consistently chosen to give my attitudes and thought life over to Christ.
Satan knows I want to WIN and his taunts were tempting me to look at my circumstance without the presence of God. And Jesus has been there, right in the middle of what I was experiencing →just as He has been the entire challenge. First Christ reminded my soul He is with me, He knows me and He loves me beyond what I can fathom. He gently reminded me to focus on who He is. I chose to declare 'God is good - all the time. All the time - God is good.' Then God blessed me with two tidbits of encouragement: a positive rsvp to an event I am hosting, and a request to view my jewelry.
This morning God came to surround me with His sweet presence. In my email inbox was the verse of the day from Bible Gateway: Luke 11:13 (NCV) "Even though you are bad, you know how to give good things to your children. How much more your heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” I was reminded how much God loves to give good gifts to those of us who belong to him. Along with the verse was a link to read the entire chapter. So like one who is starving I quickly clicked on the link and stuffed my face with the Word, as I dined with Jesus. And God satisfied as He fed my soul.
I feasted on these truths from Luke 11 :
* I need to always be focused on revering God's name as holy whatever I do (verse 2).
* I can trust God to provide what I need (verse 3).
* In the brief story Jesus gives before stating "How much more your heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” the main character is asking for help because he wants to help someone else→ I need to be about serving not just going for what I want (verses 5-13).
* If I am not focused on working with God and for His purposes I am choosing to not follow nor be obedient to Him (verses 14-23).
* If I do not fill the "empty spaces" (whether they be from my fears, doubts, or hurts) in my heart and mind with the wisdom, love and power of Christ, Satan will move in enforce (verses 24-26).
* I need to choose obedience, that is where true blessing is found and given (verses 27-28).
* Jesus is my miracle (verses 29-32).
* I am to be a light. A light doesn't choose to whom it offers its service, or when it serves. It just is what it is (verses 33-36).
* I cannot honestly claim to love Jesus and follow Jesus if I am not willing to live as He directs me to live. I need to adhere to the truth He gives me. Therefore I must put into practice all the above (verses 37-54).
I do not know if I will win the challenge. Admittedly, I do still want to win. More than that though, I want to serve and reflect Jesus Christ. And He has promised me the Holy Spirit : counselor, guide, encourager, strength, wisdom, peace. I am in the last stretch, and Jesus is with me, right there in the middle of it all. To God be all the Glory.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Shopping for....
Confession time: I love to shop. It's not the actual purchasing that excites me; I get a thrill just checking out new (or new-to-me) stuff. It can be any type of item I'm browsing that brings delight : clothes, shoes, material, paper, dishes, knick-knacks, towels, furniture... my list is fairly extensive. I do have boundaries. I like shopping trailers, but not cars. I like shopping flowers, but not bushes. Office supply stores can be fun but phone stores are a snooze. Home improvement stores can be entertaining until you come to the aisles with piping or screws. I even like this shopping experience online. I admit to spending too much time scrolling through pictures of items I don't need and I know I'm not going to buy.
This morning I read in my Bible about Jesus' death and burial. I was struck by the fact that the women did not fully prepare the body for burial before the tomb was sealed because it was the Sabbath. The Jews have very distinct rules for behavior on the Sabbath. No working is allowed. I can appreciate this idea of a complete day of rest; a day where no activity invades time set apart to honor God Almighty. And yet, on this day, this particular Sabbath, this was the One they loved! They followed him, worshipped him and believed he was the long-awaited Messiah! Didn't he deserve a little breaking of a rule? Their commitment, dedication and obedience to their day-to-day faith was supreme.
Then God began to speak into my daily world. Where is my commitment, dedication and obedience to my day-today faith? If anyone were to tally my time spent on various things, he or she could draw the conclusion that my belief system revolves around "stuff" or re-runs of the TV show Psych. Ouch. I'm processing how to best re-structure my habits. I don't believe God is telling me to stop the pointless "window" shopping all together. I do sense He is calling me to a deeper level of commitment and dedication to the One I love. Jesus IS my Messiah. He is worthy of my delight, wonder, exuberance and free time. Instead of scrolling through pictures of things: I could visit a person who needs a friend; I could make and send a card of encouragement; I could spend more time on my Sunday School lesson; I could disciple someone; I could invite a family over for dinner; I could get to know my neighbors; I could read God's Word; I could pray. My options are only limited by God's calling.
May my life be defined by obedience to Jesus Christ, declaring His mercy to others and being a praise of His glory.
Monday, June 8, 2015
A Legacy Lived: In Honor of Everett
He was a marvelous man. He served in the military when he was younger, drove truck during the years my family lived near him, and literally could fix anything (in my mind). He was a character and had great pet nicknames that he called everybody. I remember him calling me "Pudge." He was happy to chat with anyone at any time. He rescued our budget several times when he repaired a car that we thought had officially died. He loved to sing hymns, "play" his player piano and make an amazing meal in an old milk can. Some might consider him out-of-date, or eccentric, but he was as real and as genuine as he could be. He unashamedly remained true to his God, his country and his own quirky self.
As I listened to friends and family tell stories of this delightful man, I was challenged:
** Challenged to stand more affirmatively, more conspicuously for what I believe. Jesus Christ died to save me and offer me forgiveness. His grace and sacrifice gives me access to God Almighty and His throne room. I have been given eternal life, plus joy, peace and purpose in this life! I never walk alone and His power enables me to live abundant life. Why do I tend to take a step back when the topic of faith is raised among people I don't know well? Why am I not more assertive, since I have THE answer that provides hope for all people? Why am I concerned about offending someone if I truly believe the God of the Universe is who I choose to follow and serve?
** Challenged to unashamedly be who I am. God created me on purpose. My quirks and idiosyncrasies are intentional. I am one of a kind and as someone else, who I can't remember, has said, I am the only me there is! Why do I hide who I am or try to be someone else? Why am I embarrassed at times to identify what I think, like or enjoy? Why do I become concerned by what other people think? I am a child of the King of Kings, His opinion is the only one that matters.
** Challenged to see the value in each person I meet. My older friend chatted with everyone and expressed interest in who each person was, and what he or she was involved with. I am often too focused on what I want to do next to take the time to truly chat and listen to others. Each time I've passed an opportunity to have a conversation, I've lost the chance to be taught and challenged. I've given up a moment to create, fortify or intensify a friendship. I have denied myself and someone else of encouragement and support.
My heart is saddened by this sweet man's passing. And my heart is full, for I have been reminded of the amazing gifts God gives me in so many various forms. I am challenged, and I am blessed.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
My husband recently refinished an old commode cabinet for me. He sanded it down, had the drawers fixed and stabilized, put in a new bottom, then painted it and added new hardware. It now sits in my newly re-decorated front room, adding personality, charm and color. As a bonus it is so very functional. He spent so much time on it, he requested I line the inside of the drawers so they wouldn't get marked or scratched. So I did. I laid down the cushy type of drawer liner material, not the stick it to the actual drawer kind. It just happened to be what I had on hand.The bottom drawer is covered in pieces of what I had left and that is the drawer that holds my Bible study book, and my current journal. I pull them out every morning , and most mornings I tend to pull out one or two pieces of the drawer liner.
This morning as I re-lined the drawer again, the Holy Spirit nudged me. "That's what happens when you piecemeal." My first thought was, "Are you talking to me about drawer liners, Lord?" even though I was sure He wasn't. "That's what happens when you piecemeal." When you try to make do; when you just offer your leftovers; when you don't do or give your best.
I then quietly asked (somewhat in hope that the Spirit wouldn't hear me), "What am I piecemealing Lord?" God didn't give me an easy definitive answer, I'm thinking this is going to be an ongoing conversation for awhile. God evidently has some refinishing of His own to do. As I journey the process, I'm leaving my drawer liner as is. I'm praying it will remind me that I need to live all in, doing my best, giving my finest. Christ deserves more than my piecemealed leftovers.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Seeking Life
Have you ever lost something and then spent an inordinate amount of time trying to find that item? Car keys come to mind first, my dog second, and my shoes third. Those who know me well might wonder why I would ever need to search for shoes, when I can easily just choose a different pair! When my son was a toddler we "lost" him. We searched in increasing panic, and eventually found him sound asleep in our closet! My assumption is that each of us spends a distinct amount of time each week looking for something.
This morning as I read in my Bible, the book of Luke, chapter 24, I was intrigued by the phrase "Why do you seek the living among the dead?" The women returned to the tomb because that's where they remembered Jesus to be. He had died on the cross, the memory of it all was still too vivid and then Jesus had been taken down from the cross, and buried in the very tomb where they now stood.
We are like those women. We expect things to remain where we put them. We anticipate that something we enjoy, we will enjoy again. We believe a process we followed that provided positive benefits or results will work again. We believe in the consistency of the truth we've gained from the past.
Perhaps that is why the phrase grabbed me. It does seem silly to look for the living among the dead, The women did not yet understand what was really dead and what was really living. I find myself caught in that paradox as well and so the question needs to be asked periodically, "am I seeking life amongst that which is dead?" Am I seeking friendship (life) from someone who no longer is interested in maintaining that friendship? Am I seeking affirmation (life) from a friend or activity which really can't provide what my heart longs for? Am I searching for satisfaction (life) from an activity I once enjoyed? Am I wanting to relive the "glory days" (life) of something when I am long past that time?
How often do I seek LIFE from something other than Jesus? How much time do I invest in that which in all reality is dead? Don't misunderstand me, working on friendships, participating in activities one enjoys or celebrating memories are not horrible evil things. Nor are they Life. Only Jesus is Life. Only Jesus is the one who will satisfy, bring joy, truly affirm and fulfill me.
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come so that they may have LIFE, and may have it abundantly." -Jesus
(John 10:10)
Monday, June 1, 2015
Looking for Jesus
I am headed into one of those weeks that just looks and feels TOO busy. I'm sure I've managed weeks like this before, but last night, and this morning, as I look ahead, I feel overwhelmed. The cloudy sky out my window reflects my mood. The wind seems to imitate my anxiety; coming and going, blowing harder then easing off. A part of my brain strongly states " just get with it! What is with the mental whining? Choose a task and begin already!" Another part of that same brain whispers "pour another cup of coffee, relax, breathe deep, draw in strength to sustain you."
I do need to make my list (so out of character for me!) and I do need to just pick a task and begin. I also need more coffee, and to breathe deep. And I need to draw in strength -
This morning I read in Matthew 28, the story of the women returning to Jesus' tomb after His resurrection. The words of the Angel of the LORD resonated with me, and the Holy Spirit revealed truth.
But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him. See, I have told you (Matthew 28:5-7)
The Holy Spirit nugded my spirit and said, "these words are for you today." At first I wondered how?! I know Christ is risen, I believe He is at the right hand of the Father, I confess I need His saving Grace, and I rejoice that His death on the cross redeems and justifies me. The Holy Spirit nudged again, I read God's Word again and I saw myself in the passage.
I too often have a preconceived idea of how things should be, just like the women who went to the tomb. When things get a little (or a lot) out of whack I flounder. I like it when life fits into a neat "time package" that allows breathing room. God is challenging my 'breathing room.'
As I read verses 5-7 this is what God said to me:
* Don't be afraid of how God choses to speak. I may not see a brilliant Angel, but I am often hindered by my fear of how God reveals Himself to me.
* Glory and Holy may be way beyond my normal vision, but I am not to be frightened by it. I need to have an awe type of fear, and I need to marvel at the wonder, plus be grateful for the gift!
* Jesus isn't going to remain in one spot. He is always moving forward in His purpose, just like He has always said.
* Sometimes I need reassurance of things and that is okay! I can examine where I've experienced Jesus, I can breathe in His scent, remember the One I love and all He has done.
* I cannot stay in the place(s) where Christ has been. I do not need to continually soak up the past, I need to go→ move forward to where God is now!
* I need to experience and live out the excitement that Jesus is Alive! Christ is moving, breathing, changing, supporting, energizing my life right now!
* Jesus goes before me. Jesus has already checked out my week, made a plan, knows the pitfalls and the joys. I need to listen for His wisdom and leading.
* If I want to see God, be in His presence, experience Him completely, I need to go where He chooses, where He is. God works and moves in His way, not mine.
* The angel's final words: listen to what's been revealed to you. Wake up! Take Notice! Pay attention!
I am not experiencing the distraught the women at the tomb were feeling AND I also needed to hear that Jesus is Alive! He has not left me alone, there is much to rejoice over!