Sunday, February 1, 2015

It's Morning

What a morning and l've only been up a couple of hours! let me explain....

l. Today is Superbowl Sunday. I don't care.  Football is not my thing and I woke up bemoaning all the hoopla that surrounds this day.  My hubby and I have plans to go over to friends' house for the big game, but as I was getting ready for church I was whining to God about going.  God's a great person to whine to because He always helps my perspective whether I want help or not.  In a nutshell, God asked me if I loved and cared for my friends. That's one of those "well, duh!" questions. Then God asked me if my friends ever do things I really like to do -that maybe is not their favorite choice.  You see where this is heading don't you? Thankfully, the Holy Spirit didn't bean me with a frying pan. He did suggest to me that I view today, not as Suberbowl Sunday, but as Friendship Celebration Sunday. Umm....yup- good idea God.

2. Still experiencing a little "leftover funk" from my previous whine session, I prepared breakfast in  a "ho-hum mood." That in and of itself is not bad, but I definitely wasn't preparing my heart and mind for church. I was listening to Pandora and an orchestral version of "This is my Father's World" began to play. I know a good portion of the words since I've attended church my whole life (and some might classify me as 'older'). I'm sure the Holy spirit reminded me of the words He wanted me to focus on.  Soon I was preparing breakfast and weeping. This world I live in is not by chance. The things that happen on the political scene, in the entertainment world, and even on the global scale are still under the Sovereignty of God Almighty. Jehovah has a plan and is continually working His purposes: This is HIS World! Hallelujah and Amen!

3. God gives bonuses. After God set my total attitude aright , lined up with His, he blessed me with my favorite hymn, "Come Thou Fount", on Pandora. My soul sang and prayed along with the music -especially since the Lord just helped my "wandering soul." And then another song played that reminded me that Scripture says He dances over me! The Holy Spirit reminded me that I am so cared for and adored by an Amazing God. (Double Bonus!)

God gave me a fantastic gift today. He graced my life with personal proof that He is Alive, and involved in the daily details of my life. It's going to be a Glorious day!

Happy Friendship Celebration Sunday!

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