Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Let's Run!

The other night I ran into the local mall to pick something up.  I had gotten what I needed and was hurrying back to my car when I saw her.  She was holding fast to her mother's hand, tugging with all the enthusiasm her tiny little body could exhibit. "Let's run, Mommy!  Let's run!"  
She was pure delight!  And then she and her mom ran-- not fast mind you, most wouldn't have even classified it as a run.  The young mom smiled at her young daughter.  The precious little girl was bursting with pure joy and the anticipation of more joy to come, just because she could run.

I want to live life like that.  I want to urge those I am with "to run!" I want to be open to the best of all that is before me and encourage others to join in. I want to be excited about  possibilities and not be hesitant to rush forward. I want to not be so focused on what is to be accomplished that I miss out on how the journey can be crammed full of delight. I want to enjoy what I am capable of doing.

I want to live, really live.  

Jesus says in the Bible, John 10:10, "A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I came to give life -- life in all its fullness." (NCV)

Satan is always trying to distract me.  He wants me to feel overwhelmed, too busy, under-appreciated, incapable, trapped, tired, bored.  No matter the picture the devil seems to paint, he's not really into living.  He leads me astray from the best that life can be.

When I see Jesus, when I choose to be obedient to what Christ says is important and significant, I choose life.  Sure there are boundaries to the life God challenges me to live, I'm sure the mom I saw in the parking lot of the mall had boundaries for her child. She held tight to that sweet little girl's hand -- there was a boundary to the expression of joy in running. The girl's joy was not diminished, it was enhanced, for her mom was participating with her, she could feel her mom's presence.  Abundant life with Jesus is like that. He participates with me in this journey of joy, I can know His presence!  His boundaries grant me freedom from fear of what could happen.  He is the one watching out; He is the one who will guard and protect.

The little girl's face and her exclamation "Let's run!" is staying with me.  She challenges me to delight in the day set before me.  She creates a desire in me to express more joy, become more uninhibited in my expression of wonder. She is an example to my soul to live -- really live.

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