It's raining today. There's no big storm, the rain isn't pounding against my window; it's just a grey day. Most of us would classify this day as dreary, gloomy and/or a little depressing. We long for the sun; we ache for blue skies and radiating warmth. I have a friend that loves this weather and that's stating it mildly. The dark skies bring a brightness to her face and a twinkle to her eye.
Isn't it interesting that what draws one, does not draw another. What one of us finds enchanting, others of us would find boring, or perhaps difficult. There are so many things that we classify in life as good or bad, when it is neither. The weather today is not bad weather. It is just weather. When it is sunny and warm, it isn't necessarily good weather, it is just weather.
Why do we feel the need to classify things as good or bad? I believe we call something "good," because it is something we want. We call something "bad," because we wanted something else. Think about a toddler. We describe some behavior as good, some as bad. Perhaps it is more a matter of appropriateness or acceptableness.
The Bible says, in Mark 10:18, "...No one is good --except God alone." My line of thought says that those elements, actions and attitudes that reflect who God is can be classified, or described, as "good." The thing I find most fascinating is that God longs to draw each of us to Himself. He wants us to know Him, be in relationship with Him and experience His Good (oh so Good!) life. I have learned that when I focus on God and His definition of "good," I begin to see the good in things that I have previously perceived as "not so good." The closer I become to God, the greater and deeper I know Him, the greater the Good I see around me -- in me -- for me. It doesn't always seem to make sense, but my heart understands what my mind can't comprehend.
It's raining today. Life is good --God is good.
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