Friday, September 7, 2012

I was reading this morning in Psalm 147.  What a great section of Scripture!  Verse 1 states, "Praise the Lord.  How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!"  It's one of those verses that makes me want to dance!  I find praise powerfully energizing!  I love that fact that the verse tell ms it's good, pleasant and fitting.  
As you read the next several verses in Psalm 147, you can see why it is good, pleasant and fitting:  the Lord builds up Jerusalem (v2); He gathers Israel's exiles (v2); He heals the brokenhearted (v3); Binds the wounds of the brokenhearted (v3); He can count all the stars (v4); He knows the names of all those stars (v4); He is great, mighty in power and has limitless understanding (v5).     Talk about sweet!  

I was struck by the idea that the Lord "heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds" (v3). I wondered if God heals the brokenhearted, why are there still wounds to be wrapped up?  I did some digging and discovered that when the word brokenhearted is used here it's referring to one's feelings, will and even the intellect.  God is ready, willing and able to heal the very center of who I am, and who you are.  God longs to bring complete wholeness to those parts that are so hurt and messed up on the inside of us, that we often don't even deal with the pain, or the issues that bring the pain. But that's not all!  (wait.... there's more...)

I looked up the Hebrew word for binds and the word means to bind, wrap firmly, compress. Figuratively the word means to stop, to rule over, to govern. That's when it made sense to me! God longs to heal my hurts, all that breaks me on the inside.  He will heal me, and then all that "stuff" that created the brokenness within me, He's going to rule over it, govern it, so that it never has to cause me grief again.  Talk about a good, pleasant and fitting reason to praise Him.  Talk about a reason to dance!  

So today, I'm bringing my hurts to the God who loves me and gave Himself for me, so that I can be His daughter, His Princess.  I know He has healing for me, and will protect me from those hurts causing me grief again.  He is that awesome! After all, verse 5 tells me "Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding has no limit."  

I will most definitely praise Him!

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