Friday, August 17, 2012

I was reading in Acts 9 today, all about Saul and his transformation.  You know what stood out to me?  The phrase  "But his followers..." Saul gets converted, talks up a storm and Lo & Behold!  he gets followers.  He hasn't been the most popular guy around.  Yet, he's got him some followers. I never really thought about that before, and then it hit me:  I've got followers.

I'm not sure how I really feel about having followers.  A part of me (that vain part) says, "oooh!  Look at me!  I've got followers!"  Another part of me (the scared-y cat part) thinks, "you've got to be kidding?  Don't they have some one better?  Have they really been watching me?"  Another part of me (the responsible part -- I bet you're surprised by that!) does some self-talking and reprimanding, "you better get with it!  If you have followers, you better not be making any mistakes!  Get with it girl!"

You've got followers, it seems we all do.  The point of the matter, that Jesus keeps bringing to my mind, is why are others following me?  I'm thinking I have followers for a variety of reasons.  1.  I am the Jewelry Lady.  I have people "follow me," because I'm giving them ideas of how to look their best, and they like how I wear my jewels.  I'm okay with that.   2. I am Little Miss Personality.  I'm not saying that to brag on myself, but I know that others like to hang with me because I'm fun.  I'm a "let's make this moment RocK!" type of girl.  3. I make some Mean Joe.  Some like to follow me straight into my kitchen and let me pour them another cup.  I've got some on now, you can come on over....  4.  I love Jesus.  I really hope there are those who follow me for this reason.  I lead small groups and such, so I know there is some leader/follower going on there.  I long for this be my biggest following.

Again, God is impressing upon my heart a passion to help others see His Face, His Glory, His Hope.  So I have to ask myself, over and over, "Am I setting an example in what I say and how I live, moment by moment,  that would truly lead others and help them follow who I am following?"  All to the Praise of His Glory.  

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